About that girl°

Alessandra | Italiana | 20 anni | Studentessa | Facoltà di Ingegneria | Solare | Disordinata | Non fuma |  Femminista | Appassionata di computing\moda\make up | Ascolta i Coldplay | AppleForever | Odia il calcio | Ama i gatti e gli orsi | Fidanzata | Giudiziosa | Testarda | Legge shojio | Astemia | Sincera | Patatine-dipendente | Sogna New York e Kyoto | Meteopatica | Dorme sempre e ovunque | Pratica yoga | Lunatica | Sognatrice | Odia le falsità | Ama guardare il cielo | Ha un animo vintage | Introversa | silenziosa |

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Alessandra | Italian | 20 years old | Student | Computer Engeniring | Happy | Messy girl | Non-smoker | Feminist |  Computing \ fashion \ make up lover | She listens to Coldplay | AppleForever | She hates football | She loves cats and bears | Engaged | Judicious | Stubborn | Shojio lover | She doesn't drink | Sincere | French fries addicted | She dreams of New York and Kyoto | She suffers of bad weather | Always sleeping | She practices yoga | Moody girl | Dreamer | She hates hypocrisies | She loves looking into the sky | Vintage inside | Introvert | quiet |

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